About How Much Your Case is Worth

A big West Palm Beach welcome to you warm residents of the beautiful West Palm County in Florida! Do you have an accident case? Then you want to know how much your case is worth! Unfortunately, with accidents come injuries and fatalities as part of the landscape in West Palm Beach. Claims and compensations are also an integral part of the vehicular accident landscape, and claimants, and insurance companies, as well- as defendants want to know how much an accident case is worth. 

Insurance companies are already aware of the policy amount to be paid but will negotiate for lesser payouts while liable parties can disagree with an amount calculated by lawyers that they should pay. The law is clear, however, that motorists should pay if they negligently cause an accident that results in catastrophic pain and suffering. The law in Florida allows auto accident victims to claim compensation from their limited liability insurance coverage of not below $10,000; if a negligible party causes serious injuries, they are liable and must pay damages also.

How Is the Value of a Case Determined?

When you or a loved one meets in an accident, an accident lawyer will protect your rights and get fair compensation through expert representation. A client’s main concern is how much their case is worth, and we look at all the variables- of -the case to calculate the damages. The damages incurred by a plaintiff due to the carelessness and negligence of others vary from case to case and these damages are used to calculate the amount to give the plaintiff fair compensation.

Your lawyer will look at the economic damages- that- are quantifiable, such as property damage, injuries, lost wages, and medical bills, and review all medical reports and records. These include diagnostic test results and the time doctors estimate for the patient’s improvement and recovery. Lost wages and medical expenses are extra-special damages. There are also non-economic damages, such as mental anguish and pain and suffering. It’s difficult to put an exact- figure on these damages, but your attorney will use their legal experiences, past jury verdicts, and case law to aid in compensation negotiations.

Your West Palm Beach attorneys can determine what- your -case is worth and fight for every dollar! We will work assiduously to win the financial compensation you deserve. And you don’t need to worry about lawyer’s fees, which deter victims from coming forward to lobby for compensation after an accident. Victims think they need to put a retainer fee upfront for an attorney to take their case, but West Palm Beach accident attorneys will take your case without a dollar and will only collect a fee when you receive damages for your injuries. Talk to your attorney now to see how much your case is worth.