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Welcome To Our Law Firm

Every client is concerned about how much their case is worth after an accident that causes an injury. Especially so, when they are laid up in a hospital without a job, medical bills rest heavily on their minds, savings are dwindling, and there- are- mouths at home to feed.

The Client’s Lifestyle

To help value a case’s worth, the attorney looks at the plaintiff’s lifestyle to see how the accident causes adjustments to the person’s lifestyle, hindering usual, proper body function. How does a specific injury affect the client’s ability? Should the client be a parent, the injury may hinder the person from taking -care- of the children. Paying someone to take care of the children will factor in the valuation.

Whose Fault Is It?

If you are at fault in the accident, it can affect the value of your claim, as your insurer can deny you monetary compensation. Florida is a comparative fault state, however, which means your compensation can be significantly reduced in proportion to your level of blame.

Know How Much Your Case is Worth
West Palm Beach 18

Our Legal Practice Areas

Car Accident

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae

Business Law

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Criminal Law

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Child Support

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Personal Injury

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Education Law

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Divorce Law

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Tax Law

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae

Whose Fault Is It?

If you are at fault in the accident, it can affect the value of your claim, as your insurer can deny you monetary compensation. Florida is a comparative fault state, however, which means your compensation can be significantly reduced in proportion to your level of blame.

Law of the State

Some States allow victims to recover damages for lost wages, and a victim can claim for future lost wages, but it must be in line with current wage thresholds to add to how much your case is worth.

The Court’s Decision

The courts can sometimes see things differently from your lawyer and make an award that affects the value of your case positively or negatively.  Sometimes, however, the courts award damages for medical expenses to the plaintiff from the defendant, even if the plaintiff’s medical insurance fully covers the plaintiff’s expenses.

Add the above variables to medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering and mental anguish, compensation for current and future disability, and property damage, and then tabulate their value to know how much your case is worth. Armed with this information, your lawyer will sit with the defendant and their lawyers for a settlement. If there can be no agreement, the case goes to court to recover the damages through a jury of your peers.

What Our Clients Are Saying

We got hit from the side. Side swiped and we were hurt badly. We needed someone who cared and could help us recover. I got my pay day in court thanks. West Palm Beach Lawyer Group.


Sophia Sanchez